Effects of Addiction to Your Friendship
Drug addiction is one menace that our current society is trying to fight. You will find that there are a variety of reasons why one tends to get addicted to drugs. There are those who want approval of their peers and this makes them start using while there are those who face different challenges in life and has no effective strategy to deal with such challenges, get hooked to the drugs. However, the sad thing about addiction is that it will affect both the addict and those surrounding the addict. There are those who prefer getting addicted to stimulants such as meth to improve how they perform. However, the only thing that meth addiction will give one will be a weak immune system. For some, heroin abuse is always the way to go since they always want to have a feeling that is out of this world such as being really excited.
However, the more they get hooked to such drugs, they tend to forget about their relationships and their loved ones. The reason for this is that with the drug addiction having an effect with your mind, you will notice that even your behavior will be changed and this will affect your relationship. Your friendship will be affected and you will find that you will only get to ensure that this is not so by looking for ways you can overcome your drug addiction. You need to read more here to discover more about how drug addiction will affect your relationship.
Being a drug addict, one of the signs that your friendship will be affected will be the desperate and aggressive behavior you will have. You will find that most drug addicts will always have a way of justifying why they use such a drug when they get advised on their use and how to stop. It will get worse when someone tries to stop your drug use since you will get too aggressive. You will find that with the drugs they use having withdrawal symptoms, you will, the aggression and desperation behavior will be revealed. As a result, you will find that your friends will no longer want to be associated with you.
One common problem every drug addict tends to face is the financial problem. You will find that when you will have money, you will never think of saving any. You will find that most if not all of your money will only be used for the drugs you are hooked to. It may get to a point where you have no money and start borrowing money from your friends with no promise of returning making them avoid you.