Fun Activities for your Dog
Owning a dog comes with the responsibility to take care of it. You will also have to entertain them as part of the job. A dog may either like to sleep, or it may be extremely bored. This boredom tends to lead to destructive behavior. Here are some ways you can handle their boredom.
You need to have them exercising. There is a need to allow a dog to go outside after spending all day indoors. This is when they will release all that stored energy. You need to walk a dog for almost an hour, preferably in the morning. When you are short of time, all that you can manage will be appreciated. As time goes, increase it till you can do the right amount.
There is a need for you to work on their mealtimes to make them fun. There are toys you can get that shall turn mealtime into fun times. Another interesting game would be to hide their treats in different parts of the house, and let them go hunting.
You then need to get them new toys. Over time, they tend to get bored with their current selection. When you rotate through the old and new, you will keep them interested.
If your schedule allows, you can also get into games of tug-of-war with them. It shall be more fun when you play with your kids as well.
You should change the routes and times you go for walks. This is how you will keep every walk fun for the dog. As you walk the dog in new neighborhoods, it will learn new things.
There are also house chores the dog will love doing. They will love spending much time with you. A good place to start would be to teach them to return the toys in their boxes after playing. These chores shall make for a more confident dog.
You need to also get the dog more play dates. This works for those who have one dog. Ask your friends and relatives who also keep dogs to join you. It will be great if all of you could meet up over a weekend to let them play together. In the first encounter, watch out for any aggressive or violent dogs attacking yours, or yours attacking others. You will also achieve such an effect when you take the dog to new places occasionally.
There is also the TV for entertaining the dog. They will find the different sounds and voices from a TV fun. Such voices make them think, and thus not bored.
These tips need to be applied with patience and keen observation of their impact. You can read more too about caring for the dog. You can turn to this site for more info.