06. June 2019 · Comments Off on Learning The “Secrets” of · Categories: Employment

What You Need To Do On When You Slip And Get Injured Because Of Negligence

An accident can overwhelm you to an extent you may not realize it is not your fault. You have a right to get compensated for pain and suffering due to someone’s negligence. This also includes workplace injuries.

Poorly maintained properties are the most common cause of falls and slip related injuries. When passers-by suffer from injuries, property owners are liable. If you can prove that they are responsible for the injuries either partly or wholly, you can sue the owner.

Some of the common injuries are as a result of icy sidewalks, wet floors without warning signs, damaged floorboards and unsuitable handrails. At times one can go unscathed but others such as the elderly can get serious injuries. Serious injuries can break an arm or a leg or cause severe spinal cord injury. Medical bill and medication cost a lot straining your finances. To get the right amount in compensation, you need to hire a personal injury lawyer.

Injuries from a slip or fall can cause mental and physical pain. Pain and suffering from surgery and treatment can cause depression and anxiety. Spine injury can cause chronic pain for life. There are also serious cases where victims develop post-traumatic stress disorder.

It is important to get evidence against the property owner if you get into a slip and fall accident. You should prove that the accident was due to their negligence. The jury needs to see if your claim is true if your case goes to trial. Majority of these cases are usually settled out of court. However, in case the defendant gets defensive, the case needs to go for trial. You need to know not all personal injury cases are due to defendant’s negligence. For example, if your injury is job based, you will have to submit worker’s compensation depending on the state regulation.

You should get an incident report from the property you fell or slipped in in order to prove a claim. You need to get an eyewitness account of how you got injured and your medical practitioner to prove the extent of your injuries. Give your lawyer records of treatment and pictures from the scene you slipped or fell. Also, you need documentation of the salary lost from missing work to help you claim for lost wages.

Slips and falls cause emotional distress that can prevent you from getting employed.They should take responsibility of treatments and bills to alleviate the pain. To have an easy time seeking for compensation, consider hiring a personal injury lawyer.

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