A Guide on Employer Discriminations and the Risks
Discrimination at the workplace is something positive to some extent but still very negative to the other extent. This is because if you are discriminating someone because they are not performing well, they are lying about the qualifications they are not meeting the expectations, there have to be bases of doing that. However, it is unethical for you to discriminate someone because of the race, disability or age because that way you know it is illegal and you will have to deal with the consequences that come along. In 2016 alone, there were more than 20,000 charges for employment discrimination and the truth is the number of charges against employer discrimination is increasing. Discussed more below are some important info on employer discrimination at the workplace, the charges and the reason for the rise.
Sometimes it might not very clear that this employer discrimination at the workplace, although sometimes you can find it enshrined deep on the company’s policies. This are some of the reasons why you find it very hard to identify it from the beginning until it is too late. Therefore, it is very important to actually know how employer discrimination happens so that you can start making some changes for your business. If you don’t want to end up with employer discrimination charges, then terminate the employees based on their performance. It is one thing to terminate an employee because they are coming for late because that will you have plenty of evidence to show, but on performance, it is another story that you need to be careful about. Firing an employee because of underperformance, which was as a result of an injury or having a child, is discrimination and you might have to deal with a lawsuit and that is what is very important to also watch out the reason why terminating them for performance.
The other form of discrimination you need to watch out for is refusing to accommodate them. This is especially when it comes to the basis of disability because if they are on a wheelchair, for example, you need to provide with a way of navigating the offices. Don’t also discriminate against religious beliefs by ensuring that your policies can accommodate all of them. There are a number of ways you can explain the rise of the employer discrimination charges, including the fact that employees are learning more about the right. The learning because there are different sources of information they are lying on, including social media and the stories being shared here, but also because of labor controversies which are attracting a lot of attention. Align your policies, therefore, you can use the help of lawyers such as Klein Law Group.