What Asbestos and Which Place it Can be Found on Earth
There were times when asbestos was a material that was used in most of the things. This is on the grounds that it is a durable material and it is resistant. Apart from being used to make car brakes, it was used to make roofing materials. Though, after several years of use, people discovered that there are so many health problems that came from using asbestos. A lot of these health complications may even lead to death. Therefore, if you are using this mineral, it is important to know where it is found and the impacts that it has. You can be able to find asbestos occurring naturally on the earth. Asbestos can be found in various colors from white, blue, yellow, green, and red. One can be able to find asbestos all over the globe. One of the oldest uses was to wrap the dead. Egyptians used to use asbestos to wrap the death so as their spirits may not come to attack them. Likewise, people from Finland used asbestos to make some of their clay pots. Due to the fact that asbestos was durable, a lot of individuals added it to materials so as to make those materials last long.
During the modern era, a lot of people used asbestos because of the good features they knew. This is due to the fact that asbestos is fire resistant, heat resistant, and on the other hand it is resistant to chemicals. For this, most people started using asbestos in insulating boilers and steam engines. On the grounds of this, there was a time when the mining of this mineral increased. Over time, the use of asbestos evolved in the construction industry. Some of the areas this mineral was used are.
Asbestos was used to create roofing sheets due to its durability.It found its use in cement sheeting.Asbestos was used in ceiling and tiles.In a lot of the cases, one can be able to find asbestos in the soil. Although, asbestos is very common in areas with mountains. In the past few years, a lot of countries banned the use of asbestos across the world. This is on the grounds that there are a lot of health complications to those persons that live near where it is mined or those that use products that are made from it daily. Researchers have found out that when asbestos is disturbed, it releases some tiny fibers into the air. The tiny fibers that are released will be absorbed by the human body into the lungs when we breathe in. This is what that mainly cause health problems. Lung cancer is a major health complication that comes from living near asbestos or using it.