Why Many People are Advocating for the Changes in Drunk Driving Laws in Texas
In a recent survey in Texas, many individuals do not believe that the current drunk driving laws in the state are strict enough and are pushing for changes. The results of the poll conducted by the Texas Medical Center Health Policy Institute shows that 54{eec0967cf246adfce94e31ca2e5a158048f50c784c4c262b90b55dd663ea6f71} of the residents in Texas are proposing a reduction of the legal blood alcohol concentration from .08 to .05. The poll showed that 46{eec0967cf246adfce94e31ca2e5a158048f50c784c4c262b90b55dd663ea6f71} of the people want the government to ban the use of alcohol for people who are driving. The following are the reasons people are giving for supporting the move to change the drunk driving laws in Texas.
The enforcement of legal limit to .05 in Utah may be one of the reasons that Texas is looking to adopt this law. Texas may be looking to follow in the steps of Utah in lowering the BAC limit law from .08 to .05. To come up with the statistic that 54{eec0967cf246adfce94e31ca2e5a158048f50c784c4c262b90b55dd663ea6f71} of people in Texas are for the lowering of the BAC 1000 people from Texas and another 3000 from other states where interviewed. One of the experts during the poll was Dr. Garson who insisted on the use of the high number of people to get accurate and dependable results about Texas’ population opinions on drunk driving laws.
The other cause for the need to change the drunk driving laws in Texas is the unpredictability of the BAC limit. According to experts two people may drink the same quantity of alcohol, but one may be impaired while the other can conduct basic task such as driving. Hence, you cannot use the BAC measure as a means of determining the person who is more likely to cause a road accident. Therefore, this makes the BAC an unreliable measure of impairment especially when it comes to road safety.
The other reason people are giving for supporting the move to lower the BAC limit is to reduce the number of road accidents in Texas. The risk of a car crash is magnified when the driver is drunk. Therefore, it is only logical to propose a lowering of BAC to reduce these accidents.
It is normal to wonder if the changing of the BAC limit in Texas from .08 to .05 will have any positive results in both the short and long term. Thus, professionals will target to see the quantity of alcohol a person will drink to reach the .05 limit. It is also crucial to learn more about the effects of having a .05 alcohol concentration on your blood. For many Texas residents changing the drunk driving laws is the first move to reducing the number of road accidents in the area.
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